Electrical Safety Tips for The Winter Months

Many people rely on electrical appliances to keep their homes warm and comfy when the weather becomes chilly. Unfortunately, if safety regulations are not followed, many portable heating equipment might catch fire. In fact, according to the National Fire Protection Agency, space heaters are a factor in more than 40% of home fires. The knowledgeable team at Stillorgan Electrical Services is concerned about your family's safety this winter. This blog has more information on suggested winter electrical safety tips.

Never Plug Your Space Heaters into Extension Leads


Space heaters


Because a power strip is not made to withstand the high current that space heaters require, it is never a good idea to connect one in. The power strip may melt, burn, or even catch fire due to the strong current flowing through it. The safest choice is to plug the space heater into a power socket. Do not plug anything else into the heater's wall outlet.

Space heaters are designed to produce a lot of heat, which increases the risk of furniture, such as sofas, catching fire. Firefighters advise always maintaining a three-foot perimeter around the space heater. A heater shouldn't be placed on anything that could heat up excessively and catch on fire, such as a carpet, table, or cabinet. A level, smooth surface like tile or hardwood flooring that won't overheat is the greatest area to put a space heater.


Don’t Overload Your Outlets


Overloading Outlets


Don't fill electrical outlets to capacity. Only one high-wattage appliance should be used at most per outlet. With additional holiday lights and decorations, many homeowners are prone to raise the demands on their home's electrical system. Watch how the electrical outlets in your house are being used.

To prevent overloading the electrical outlets, which is a typical reason for holiday fires, it is wise to only plug one high-wattage decoration into each wall outlet.

To assist prevent a power spike that could burn out all of the lights on your Christmas tree, you should plug the lights into a surge protector.


Use A Maximum Of Three String Lights

Connecting many light strings could trip your circuit breaker or, worse yet, ignite a fire. Consider using LED lights when shopping for Christmas decorations because they consume less energy and don't generate as much heat as incandescent lights.

Look for independent agencies like Underwriters Laboratories to certify that decorations and lighting are safe. Before stringing the lights on the tree, plug each one in to ensure that it is operational once you have checked the lights. Connect light strings with the same number of bulbs on each when joining various light strings. For instance, don't connect a string of 50 lights to a string of 100 lights because the difference in voltage will cause the 50 lights to burn out permanently.



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Get Your Wiring Checked


Wiring Outlets


When you use more heating, lights, and other appliances in the winter, poor wiring in your home could cause you serious problems. Before winter arrives, have a licensed electrician inspect your wiring to look for frayed, worn-out, or deteriorating connections and wires. They can also look for any other typical electrical issues and fix them before winter arrives. Remember that leaving damaged wiring increases your risk of electrical risks and frequently results in more serious problems in the future. The greatest strategy for ensuring the safety of your house is to address electrical problems as soon as possible.


Unplug Appliances That Are Not in Use


Wiring Outlets


You should develop this habit all year long, but winter is the time of year when it is most crucial. When not in use, all lights, appliances, and other electrical devices should be unplugged or switched off. Check to see if there is any energy waste before departing for vacation, retiring to bed, or even just leaving the room. By doing this, you may save your electricity costs while also preventing overloading your circuits and a potential electric fire that might result from a short circuit.



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Get To Know Your Home’s Wiring


Switches can trip over the winter due to power fluctuations, so you might need to know how to manually turn them back on. Knowing where all of your electrical panels are, especially your house's main electrical panel, is one of the best electrical safety advice as a result. In order to facilitate quick access in the event of a power loss, make sure there are no barriers in the way. Identify the locations of the switches and circuits, mark them clearly, and confirm that they are all in good working order.


By taking these precautions, you may help protect your home from potential electrical problems. Call an expert if you experience problems with your home's electrical system. All of your home's electrical needs can be satisfied by the staff at Stillorgan Electrical Services. To make an appointment, call Stillorgan Electrical Services right away!



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