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How to Baby Proof Your Home - Take necessary steps today

Stillorgan Electrical


One of the most caring things you can do is baby-proof your home to guard a young child against shocks, trips, and falls. Everything in the house appears to be an electrical threat once a baby is present! Here are some tips for baby-proofing your house so that everyone stays secure.

Children are innately curious, but this quality has pros and cons. Kids eagerly explore the environment and spend practically all of their waking hours learning, yet these adventures may be highly risky, and many catastrophes have happened when kids have sought to figure out how things function. You must childproof your home if it is currently filled with the pitter-patter of little feet or if you are having a friend and their kids over for a visit. The following guidance concentrates on childproofing a home's power supply to help you prevent electrical emergencies, but you should also think about how to make your furniture, heating equipment, boiler, and other home furnishings child-safe.




Should you fit socket protectors on electrical outlets?


Children appear compelled to insert their tiny fingers or other things into plug sockets for some reason that is unknown. Children are discouraged from playing with plug sockets with socket guards, which can be purchased for pennies at baby-proofing and DIY stores. Some people recommend installing socket guards on all unused outlets. However, as a built-in safety safeguard, the majority of current plug sockets contain protective shutters. However, these shutters do not operate when inserts are inserted into the plug. The shutters are retained open and there is a risk of electrocution if the covers become unsecured or if a youngster is able to partially pull them out of the socket. Therefore, it is recommended by authorities that electrical socket covers not be utilized. There are covers that fit into the electrical socket but lack inserts. Simply placed over the socket backplate, these boxes are. They have a flap that shuts, preventing kids from ever getting to the socket. These work well with appliances that you don't routinely plug in and out. They are simple to install and can function well. They can also be used to cover multiplug adapters or power strips. You swap out your current electricity plate for one of these new ones. A cover will automatically glide over to conceal the plug holes when the appliance is not in the plug socket. Little fingers can't enter that way.


Secure any loose cords


For infants and young children, loose cables, especially electrical cables, pose a multitude of dangers. • Stumble over lengthy wires.

• Suck on lengthy wires.

• Cause whatever they are fastened to fall over, like a lamp. They might be responsible for this.

• Get entangled in them and run the risk of being strangled.

• The chance of receiving an electrical shock if they remove the plug cable from the socket.

These factors make it crucial to store any stray connections or cables.

Avoid utilizing extension cables is one way to make electrical cords and cables safer.

• Tape any lengthy cords to the floor or the bottom of the wall.

• Roll up any spare cord lengths and bind them tightly together to prevent untangling by the infant.

• Buy a cord cover or shortener.

• You can group cords together in a cover if they are all connected to the same outlet.



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Make cables hard to access

Most electrical outlets may be made safe by looking for damage and installing socket guards, but other connections, like those that go into computers, have push-in plugs that connect to the back of the appliance. These cables are easily removed by kids, who can then ingest them. Lock doors if you can, and rearrange furniture and appliances so kids can't reach their backs. Consider purchasing computer desks that are tough to get from the back and routing leads behind large, hefty furniture pieces. If feasible, unplug electrical devices from the wall and turn them off. It's important to keep kitchen gadgets out of reach of youngsters and to turn them off at the wall because kids love to climb, especially in kitchens! Hairdryers and other electrical devices should be stored up high and disconnected when not in use in bathrooms. Make sure to keep electrical equipment far away from water sources.


Unplug appliances and keep them out of reach

Make sure to always unplug electrical devices right away after using them, such as an iron or hair straightener.

Put them away after wrapping the cord. While they are still hot, store them high up and out of your baby's reach.

When appliances are left plugged in, your child may be encouraged to play and investigate.


Know what to do in electric home emergencies

You can take every precaution to baby-proof your home, yet accidents can still occur. Always take your child to A&E for immediate medical attention if they do. A first-aid kit and an electric fire extinguisher should always be kept on hand, and you should be familiar with how to use both of them in an emergency. Keep a list of emergency phone numbers on your mobile phone and become familiar with how to turn off your electricity and the operation of your fuse box. Keep this emergency contact list close to the landline for your personal protection, and teach kids who to call in case of a home emergency.


Still having trouble?

If you are hesitant or insecure, don't try to make any alterations to your electrical system. There are some electrical tasks that must be completed in the home in line with wiring rules. Keep in mind that electricity is extremely lethal. Call Stillorgan Electrical Services at 083 015 8233 instead, and we can assist you. If you follow the information on this page, Stillorgan Electrical Services disclaims all responsibility for any injuries or damages you may experience. Consult a specialist if you are unsure.




Stillorgan Electrical Services

Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin 


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